Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Bhutan Saturday morning for a two-day visit which is being seen as a bid to diversify India’s partnership with the kingdom from the hydro-power sector to enhanced trade and linkages in space and education. This is Prime Minister Modi’s first Bhutan visit after re-election and second overall.
PM Modi was received by his Bhutanese counterpart Dr Lotay Tshering on his arrival at the Paro International Airport and also received aguard of honour at the airport. PM said he was deeply touched by the gesture.“Reached Bhutan a short while ago, marking the start of an important visit. I amextremely grateful to @PMBhutan for welcoming me at the airport. His gesture isdeeply touching,” PM tweeted afterwards.India and Bhutan shared deep historicties and Prime Minister’s current visit will help in its further “deepening”,said a tweet by spokesperson for the ministry of external affairs RaveeshKumar, moments after Prime Minister’s departure. PM Modi will “interact withvarious Bhutanese leaders”, the tweet added, while describing ties with Bhutanas the central pillar of India’s “neighbourhood first” policy.Prime MinisterModi’s visit assumes further significance in the backdrop of efforts by Beijingto woo Thimphu and calls within sections of the Bhutanese politicalestablishment for stronger diplomatic ties with China and a shift away fromhydro-power sector.Foreign secretary Vijay Gokhale had indicated that India wasmindful of the need to broaden ties with Bhutan while retaining its role as adevelopmental partner. As part of these efforts, India will provide Rs 400crore for a trade support facility to encourage Bhutanese exporters.“So this isa special focus and a special package is being given in this five-year plan astrade support for companies and manufacturers to incentivise them to exportmore to India,” he had said last weekIndia is providing Rs 5,000 crore forBhutan’s 12th five-year plan that began in 2018, the same as the allocation forthe previous plan.
Prime Minister’s departure statement also said that Indiawas looking to consolidate its ties with Bhutan. “I am confident that my visitwill promote our time-tested and valued friendship with Bhutan and consolidateit further..,” the statement said.Hydro-power, however, will continue to be animportant sector of cooperation between the two neighbours who will sign apower purchase agreement for Rs 5,012-crore Mangdechhu project-- to beinaugurated jointly by the Indian Prime Minister and his Bhutanese counterpartduring this visit. Discussions on 2,500 MW Sankosh project are also expected tobe held.
Prime Minister’s departure statement added that Indiaattached “high importance” to strong relations with its “trusted friend” and“the entire gamut” of the bilateral relations will be discussed in his meetingwith the Bhutanese Prime Minister and the King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck.
The two prime ministers will also inaugurate Rs 7-croreground earth station built by India’s space agency to allow Bhutan to use atransponder on the South Asian Satellite for broadcast services and disastermanagement. The Rupay card will also be launched in Bhutan, Gokhale had said lastweek Friday.India and Bhutan bilateral ties were “excellent” and exemplifiednot only by “extensive development partnership” in the economic sphere but also“reinforced by a shared spiritual heritage and robust people-to-people ties,”Prime Minister’s departure statement said.
Prime Minister Modi is scheduled to address young Bhutanesestudents at the Royal University of Bhutan against the backdrop of a fall inthe numbers of Bhutanese students in India and an ongoing discussion to linkuniversities in the two countries.
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